Sunday, May 5, 2013

Anticipation and Preparation!

After two strong years of studying at Brigham Young University, the next goal was to find a study abroad program that suited me. At the same time, I have had a strong desire to go out and serve people and children of a different country for a long time. My dream to travel and serve came true as I found the Romania Internship through BYU. 

With this program, me and 10 other beautiful girls will live in Iasi, Romania, for 3 months working in an orphanage and children's hospital there. The orphanages and hospitals in Romania are unlike any type of childcare or healthcare service here in the U.S.. These children are abandoned, alone, disabled, and most all have severe attachment disorders. Without anyone there to hold, talk to, or even touch the children, these kids live in an environment only imaginable to us. I am there to love them, teach them, and do my small part to give them my whole self for just one summer. 

I leave in one week to start this life-changing adventure. Now I just wait in anticipation of this amazing experience. The preparation, however, to get me to this point was an experience of it's own! Nancy Bean, the International Travel Specialist at BYU, performed wonders to get us the bets deal on flights all around Europe. She got us to Romania and coordinated all our travels around Europe after the Internship. 

Our first itineraries for the trip!
I was enrolled in a Romanian Course to learn the basics of the Language. In this class the other interns and I grew close as we took on a new language together. Our wonderful TA, Bryce, and teacher, Maria, became good friends!

Our wonderful class!

Studying for the Romanian Final was far more rewarding than any other of my finals because I wanted to learn as much as I could to prepare for living in Romania.

Maria was a wonderful teacher and did wonders to get us excited about her home country. She was a great support for us throughout the semester.

The next thing to undertake was fundraising. A few of us got together to put on a Yard Sale to raise funds to buy a summer's worth of diapers for the children in the hospital. To our surprise, it was a success! After that, we continued to bond as a group with studying and having dinner together to "practice our Romanian" however instead we just talked about how excited we were!

Despite the cold overcast day, the Yard Sale was fun!

Finally, after being cleared with the International Program at BYU, we were given our very own famous International Studies backpack. This backpack is a big deal. It is coveted by all who haven't gone on a study abroad and cherished by all who have. We were excited to say the least to get ours! This back pack will travel with us everywhere we go!

I can't wait to leave in a week! The expenses and long hours on the plane will be well worth the wait I'm sure! Until then, La Revedere!


  1. Love it! So excited to be having all of these adventures with you!!!

  2. Me too! So glad we were able to go together :)

  3. cool backpack. Praying for your safety and welfare.
